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The bus is always on the look for some desperate chicks out here in Miami. This week, we was creeping on the come up and we came across this chick doing the walk of shame. She was still wearing her club dress from the previous night, her hair was all fucked up, and she was carrying her heels and walking barefoot down the dirty streets of Miami. How much more desperate can there be? We pulled up and asked her if she needed a ride. Turns out she had lost her friends at the club along with her purse, so she had no money, cell phone, or a ride home. After offering a bit of money and a ride to her hotel, she agreed to hop on the bus. Slowly we start finding that this chick had left her house the night before wanting to score some dick, she wasn’t wearing any panties or bra. Well thanks to the bus, she got her wish. My boy Kyle was able to deliver the docking she so desperately needed. This chick was properly fucked all over the bus and then thrown back out into the dirty streets where she b
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