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How am I doing it? You can see the pain on my face as I brace myself for the hardest ass penetrating I have ever experienced. Maybe even more intense since I was submissive to the anal reaming that my instructor was going to give me with his training devices! As he continues to train me he shows me once last toy with several knobs on it. Its the biggest and its made for gaping asses. My instructor must believe I have a legitimate gaping ass. I demonstrate it by holding and spreading my ass wide for your observation. Does my asshole look gaped? Of course it does. Once again I show you the final results, a wide open asshole! Now the only way to know if Im accepted as an applicant is to be invited to one of their Anal Slut Secret Society parties where they would probably have me fucked in the ass by several big cocks at once! Instructor makes sure to tell me the next time we train, he’s going to stick two cocks in my butthole! MMM!
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