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Gabriela is an alluring, sultry, tattooed, overly voluptuous, sexual siren, with coal-black hair, and a generous T&A body. Unless you speak Brazilian, just fast forward past the monologue of the stud, who sounds like Rico Suave in the opening, to where Gabriela enters, happily getting a bit jiggy, before descending, to ravenously suck his impressive member, with gluttonous, sluttish avidity, gusto, and admirable oral artistry, as a true connoisseur of cock. He then, adeptly licks her sweet, bald, honeyed hole, as she moans ecstatically. With her motor revved, he potently plows his steely shaft into her hungry harlot’s hole, in missionary, as she groans, and cries out, in lascivious exultation. Moving into doggie, he assertively rams his beefy, battering ram into her twat, while she moans, and yelps, with unchained, demonistic passions. Feeling frisky, she mounts his dauntless dong, in cowgirl, where thanks to a close-up, her ample ass consumes the entire frame, as she spiritedly hu
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