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Lacie is an ebullient, brunette, big-boobed, tattooed and pierced, corpulent cutie, and Sara is an enticing, tattooed, mega-boobed, reddish pink-purple haired, BBW slut. After a little Q&A between these two horny wenches, as they admire each other's tattoos, piercings, and ginormous boobs, we learn that this is Lacie’s first scene, ever. Naturally, their mutual admiration soon leads to Sara expertly fingering and licking Lacie’s bald cunt, making her moan, and squeal ecstatically. Then, Lacie returns the favor, fervently licking and fingering Sara’s voracious juice box, as she moans elatedly. Wanting more, Sara hands her a dildo, which she uses on Sara like an old pro, arousing her inner slut, as she moans, and wails, in Sapphic jubilation. After the girls flaunt their cock-sucking expertise on opposite ends of a massive, double-ended dildo, Sara dons a strap-on dildo, which Lacie sucks with gluttonous fervor. Then, Sara potently plows her faux-cock into Lacie, in missionary, as sh
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