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Our smoking hot insertion Queen ‘ CrazyWifeSlut ‘ stars in this epic update, having both her greedy holes double punch fisted insanely hard, till they’re blown out, prolapsing, drooling wrecks! It’s not every day we get to see such a stunningly beautiful, blond, bombshell enjoy having her ass and cunt destroyed to excess and with so much orgasmic pleasure! She is a truly rare gem, with an impeccable physique and we just cannot get enough of her. Enjoy watching CrazyWifeSlut begin this scene bent over on all fours, with her ass facing the camera, as her husband prepares to give his hot wife’s holes exactly what they crave, a double fisting massacre until they can no longer hold her bodily fluids inside! See him begin fisting one fist in her ass, followed by the second in her cunt, double fisting her with all his strength, as she frantically masturbates her clit with a vibrating ‘Magic Wand’ massager! The extreme stretching and vibrating sensations soon overwhelm her with orgasmic shockw
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