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Ever wonder why so many women lock their office draws? No, it's not because their purses are in there, it's because they don't want you to find their stock of sex toys! Watch Donna Derriere and Jemstone get naughty in the office as they fill all their holes with big rubber dicks and vibrating sex toys.Sharon is a horny gal who has been around the block a few times, but she's still up for taking dicks and making out with another horny lady at the same time. Watch her and Anastasia get their pussies stuffed with cocks while their mature bodies are held in place by their tight fitting uniforms. Of course they take the jizz on their faces, as they love the fresh taste of semen.This lucky mechanic gets treated to a threesome with two beautiful blonde girls with pussies that never can get enough dick. Bending over for a hairy package that's just got erect at the sight of their big round boobs really gets these bimbos going.
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