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Hi, I'm 43-yr-old Sammi Starfish, your favorite real life milf wife and taboo role player. Members get ALL my pic sets and vids included in their membership. It's the cheapest option $-wise. Here's the summary: In this bdsm role play I am an annoying door to door saleswoman selling lawn care products. And boy did I come inside the WRONG house this time. This guy is absolutely crazy. I am trying to sell him my products and the very next thing I know I am locked in a box with only my head sticking out. He he is just fucking with me. He humiliates me so much with embarrassing mouth stretching gags. Including an open mouth dental gag, a blow up pump gag, and a large penis gag. He just sits there and watches me humiliate myself and gag over and over again until I have drooled all over myself. And to finish off all of the humiliation he smears cake frosting all over my face. I hate it so much. I guess people really hate door to door sales people. I'm definitely quitting my job after this.
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