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As part of its training this completely shaved slave is required to practice walking in locked leather ballet boots which make it have to stand en-point on it's toes. These extreme heels make moving very difficult and painful. Completely naked and wearing a nice big ball gag the bald slave puts on the boots and locks them closed. After showing them off a little it reveals the big gem butt plug in its ass then practices walking up and down a few times. A slightly scary moment with lube on the floor nearly causes the slave to fall, so it returns to its knees to try and fix the problem, then laces itself tightly into a shiny green satin corset. Once suitably restricted, and with a sexy defined waist, the slave returns to walking practice, visibly struggling by this point and drooling all over itself and the floor. To make the challenge even harder it then places its arms behind its back so it can't support itself in any way, when this is successful it goes one step further and moves its h
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