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Just like every group, someone always wants to go out and startup a solo career. Here we have Marie Luv doing her best to convince you that she has the kind of talent needed to go out on her own. If her talent is anything like her box... it runs deep!How would you like to get a date with this luscious, high heel shoe licking brunette, who'll let you see her partially shaved snatch getting penetrated by this guy's fat pole, while she lays on her back with her legs wide open. Next, she gets on all fours, gets her box filled from behind and gives this guy a footjob for a cumshot on her feet!They saved the best for last, with the wild, blonde haired, Sarah Jay who has a set of fake tits, that look like they could explode any second, especially when she takes a ride on this guy's interracial rod and they are bouncing while covered in oil, along with her booty, that you'll see covered in jizz, after some rear entry screwing.
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