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This chick's boyfriend wanted to be in the porn business... the easiest way for a guy to the starting lineup is to bring in his own female talent to work with. Would your girl get fucked on camera just so you could star in a porno? If so you have a girl worth keeping.Soreal does some part time work after school but, one evening her boss walks in and sees that the nipples on her natural boobs are hard causing his pants to bulge so much that she asks him if she may suck his dick. After that, he takes off her panties and bends her over to fuck her shaved pussy from the rear. It doesn't end until she gets a facial.Gabriella Glazer has a lot of work to do around the house still, but her step brother and his friend have throbbing boners that really need to feel a tight little hole wrapping around them, so they call her over to the couch so she can get on her knees and swallow every inch of their big fat white cocks. She bends over to take one while sucking the other, and does well in the end
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