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It was the peak of summer, and the air outside was thick, warm, and moist, clinging to our skin. We were colleagues, always sharing casual smiles and fleeting glances during work, but today felt different. The unspoken tension between us had reached its limit.<br><br>We had agreed to meet secretly, away from the prying eyes of our office, in the most unexpected place—a small, tucked-away public restroom near the park. The sound of distant footsteps and conversations drifted in through the slightly open window, adding a layer of risk to our meeting.<br><br>I arrived first, the thin fabric of my summer dress sticking to my skin in the humid air. A mix of nerves and excitement coursed through me, building with each second. He entered moments later, casual in his shorts, but with a certain energy in his stride that matched my own anticipation. The space felt even smaller with the weight of our silence, yet the outside world faded as soon as our eyes met.<br><br>The tension was overwhelming
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