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*AVE 110 Presents "Smoking Footjob From Stepmom POV" featuring Ally Lust<br><br>Your dad went to bed early, it’s just you and your stepmother. How lucky are you, having smoking Ally Lust as your stepmom! It’s bedtime and you know exactly what that means, playtime! Your stepmom is so shocked at how much you’ve grown, almost big enough to please her cunt, but not quite yet! Sit still while she seductively flicks the tip of her tongue on your sensitive cock head. Blowing smoke on your cock slowly, with intent.<br>Watch the smoke delicately sit on her gorgeous skin as it milks up heavier with each hit. Playing with her long red hair, she doesn’t act shy with her long rough drags to get as much smoke in her lungs as possible. You wouldn’t think she could do anything else to get you even more hard than you are, but low and behold, she takes her beautiful size 5 feet and starts rubbing them on your cock.<br>Curling her toes around the tip, gliding them down firmly yet soft. Drawing them back
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