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Princess Donna snatched cute little innocent Stefani Special off the street and brought me to my new home, locked in her dog cage!! I am to be her obedient submissive slut, toy, and plaything. I'm very noncompliant and need to be spanked and shoved forcefully into my confines which are then zip-tied shut to ensure I don't escape. Of course, she leaves me there and goes out to party with her friends overnight. Her new captive is starving for attention when her captor returns but she's yet to be assured of my compliance. No problem, the Princess has ways to make her new prisoner follow directions! Electrocuted and shocked into unwilful submission. She plunges her new slave in training, face down into a bowl of oatmeal that is cooked in her hot yellow piss. Sadistically force-feeding me a handful as I gag trying to swallow it down. Not good enough as fight or flight activates and the victim scrambles to elude before I'm knocked on my ass and tied up in western-style rope bondage. Quick an
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