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In the bright, inviting room, Sandra Lubrec, with her golden hair cascading down her shoulders, starts a sultry striptease. Her eyes lock with Cullen's, filled with promise and mischief. She slowly slips out of her tight dress, revealing her flawless, sun-kissed skin. Cullen watches, captivated, as she moves closer, her movements fluid and deliberate.<br><br>Sandra drops to her knees, her gaze never leaving his. She unzips Cullen's pants with a teasing smile, freeing him into her warm, eager hands. Her tongue darts out, tasting him with a flick that sends shivers up his spine. She takes him into her mouth, inch by inch until she fully engulfed him, her lips stretched around him, her cheeks hollowed with effort. The room fills with the sound of her pleasure as she works him with both her mouth and hands, her rhythm increasing.<br><br>As Cullen's excitement becomes vocal, Sandra pulls back, her hand now stroking him swiftly. With a few final, intense strokes, he releases, his warmth spil
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