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Starring a newcomer to the scene; Selena Stone Father's day is at the door! It's that time of the year again where you have to find the perfect gift for the man brought you to life. Ok, maybe he's not your real dad, but he's been taking care of you, right? Selena is a young, healthy and sexy teenager who likes nothing more than to please her stepdaddy. She's nice and eager, always ready to help around the house. She only wants to show her gratitude to the man who raised her, or is that really what she wants? She's been eyeing him for some time now, having naughty thoughts about what she'd do to him, even touching herself thinking about his long, fat cock. Since father's day is closing in she decides to give him a gift he would never forget. She gifts him the classic "Happy Father's Day" card, with a wrapped package containing a surprise; a pair of her sexy undies. Surprised, he goes and confronts her about the seemingly inappropriate gift. It doesn't take long that she blames her daddy issues while showing him her beautiful tits, flaunting her petite body to the man of the day. The real gift is herself, giving him the best blowjob and fuck he could ever dream of. That's one more happy father of the day of dads!
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