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A nice collection of Mira’s femdom and nude erotic fights since the beginning in 1280 x 720 .mp4 format. Mira vs. The Firefighter, Head-Scissor – 9′ – Mira meets a firefighter, who is supposed to save people’s life. Who is a her, accourding to everyone, but not Mira, who immediately sees his weak points… She wears firefighter outfit and uses mostly head-scissors just to make sure he understands… Warrior Nun – 7′ – Mira is a martial artist nun this time, being charge in the fasety of the churches. But, she is by a thief, but he is only a pathetic looser… Warrior Nun, Face-Sitting – 9′ – The Warrior Nun, the Keeper of The Church humiliates the guy in public, face sitting him… MMA Workout – 13′ – Mira has started practicing martial arts when she was 8. She has one dan in Kempo and brown belt in kyokushin karate, and she was a professional boxer and kickboxer winning numerous championships. She has been learning jitso for now. So, as a real MMA Princess, her best training tool is her dummy husband slave – and you can watch in this video a complete MMA workout carryed out on him! Mira vs. Sunny, Unusual Exercise – 16′ – Mira in her arms carries Sunny in the room, telling him, what she will do to her. She drops him down on the ground, giving herself the pleasure to ride him til she comes! No matter that Sunny is already awaken and how much he wants to get out. Mira vs. William, Jeans Face-Sitting – 26′ – Wonderful and tough Mira facesits on William simply in her jeans, which makes her sexy, but even more uncomfortable for him… Mira vs. William, Lingerie Face-Sitting – 25′ – Mira is William this time, later nude, now in lingerie. At first she doesn’t want him to feel her pussy, only through the textl of her panty… Mira vs. William, Nude Face-Sitting – 27′ – Mira is a genious using her body and temper to dominate down a guy, even nude, sitting on his face, cruelly not letting him Mira vs. William, Face-Sitting and Handjob – 25′ – Mira in her sexy glasses but completely naked facesits on masked Williem, makeing her lick her pussy, but rewarding him with a HJ after…
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