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Well, super hot blond Brittany is in the shower again.. but this time she's not getting blackmailed and made to blow anyone.. this time she's getting her sweet teeen pussy licked! And who wouldn't want to snack on that tasty pink morsel? She's got a pussy like someone's kiddd step sister and tits like their horny mom! What more could you ask of a girl to be any hotter!? She's taking a nice relaxing shower, but she seems to be spending a lot of time cleaning between her legs.. she's got the shower head blasting warm, tickly water all over her lovely little vagina... and as soon as Jay walks in he can't help but notice that she's fucking the shower head, but before he can give her any lip she immediately demands that he go down on her. That's not exactly a demand that any sane man would refuse, and seconds later he's licking her lips and everything in between! This guy is serious about his cunnilingus and soon munches his way to a mouthful of pungent pussy juice by getting her off! Slurping her slit obviously gives the guy raging blue balls because as soon as he's done she kneels down and begins eating his sausage while looking at him with those enormous blue eyes! It's obvious from his trembling gonads that a major quake is about to erupt, but the cum spackling that he gives her lovely face and mouth is spectacular even by our standards! Jesus, she looks fantastic with a faceful of cum!
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