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Imagine if you were texting your buddies to find out where you were going to watch the football game tonight. And imagine if your girl was droning on about how cute she looks in her new outfit, and of course you're thinking about the watching the game and drinking some brewskies, so you just smile and nod, while continuing to text your buddies about how your team is going to kick his team's ass...Now imagine your girl might be on the rag and now she's mightily pissed off because she needs to be told she's beautiful and smart, not ignored while you text away like a jackass... and imagine she slaps the phone out of your hand and then slaps you too! Now, at this point you'd probably be pretty worried because, a, your girl has just decked you, and b, she's getting ready to smack you again!. By now she's demanding that you get your fucking clothes off and you probably aren't going to argue, since she's mightily pissed off and who knows what she's capable of! Now she's wrapping her strong legs around your neck and tried to you out with a leg lock! Who the hell taught her to do that? Once she's satisfied that you've been d and generally had your ass kicked enough, she's going to remind you who's boss by foot wanking you off and making your prostate explode with a flying nut blast!
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