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After having my way with my stepmom last week, I've sort of been obsessed. I watch her now, kind of like a creep. I like it when she makes me pancakes in her lingerie. Her big tits look amazing. I stare at them while I eat my homemade pancakes. The smell of maple syrup and her Chanel No. 5 perfume really gets my rushing. I walked into the laundry room today in search of her underwear. I wanted to smell them while I masturbated because that always kicks things up a notch and makes me cum twice as hard. But I got caught. She walked in and started bossing me around. She was complaining that she's got a lot of stuff to do and I wasn't helping. Well, I'm lazy. You've been my step mom for, like, a decade now. How are you still shocked by this? I ditched the panties I was holding and she noticed them sitting on top of the laundry pile. She called me out on it, but I didn't say anything. I guess I was shocked or something. Much to my surprise, she wasn't that upset. In fact, she showed me the underwear she was wearing under her red robe and then fell to her knees to suck my dick. She kept calling me "step son" and calling herself "step mommy". She told me she remembered giving me a bath when I was a little boy. Now I know what Soon-Yi Previn feels like. How fucked is that? This is so taboo. I know I am going to hell for this, but it just turns me on so much. I can't help it. And, plus, I kind of hate my step dad, so this is sort of my way to get him back for grounding me all those times. The blowjob was great. She then sat on my dick and rode me for a bit before taking my dick in her mouth and sucking all of the cum out. I think I am in love.
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