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Technically, anyway. I fucked up this scene in that I accidentally shut off the timer I use, so instead of 10 minutes, Jade got closer to 15. Sorry for breaking those sacred rules of mine, guys. Anyway, Jade's technique doesn't really line up with what makes me personally explode, but that doesn't mean she isn't great at what she does. I'm more of a sloppy-toppy, tons of spit-and-hand-action, "why does this sound like someone is trying to marinate raw steaks in baby oil" blowjob guy, and Jade is pure deepthroat queen with no gag reflex who proved multiple times she doesn't need oxygen to suck a cock. Watch her dutifully service my penis for fifteen blissful minutes and then smile as I unload a fat nut onto her eager, beautiful face. ...Man, I really gotta get that girl back here
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