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Jayden is on her first day of internship as a runner for a late night TV show. They’ve assigned her to oversee a popular rock band and she has no idea what she’s doing. When she goes to check in on them and introduce herself before their set, she interrupts an important meditation session. The frontman, Small Hands, informs her that his spiritual guru is essential to his performance and to come back later. “White people are so fucking weird” she thinks and when she returns he’s all alone. Determined not to be fired, she searches for any indication of what she’s supposed to do. Seemingly dismissive of her, he adjusts his package and she takes that as a sign he wants a blowjob. This was not in the training manual, but he’s a rockstar, and you gotta keep your stars happy, right? Right? The innocent blowjob turns into a powerful anal pounding and after blowing deep in her ass, he runs off to sound check and says she is on her way to becoming legendary around here.
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